The British Royal Navy has an awesome beard policy, including formal review! Check out the strict facial hair rules

The British Royal Navy has an awesome beard policy, including formal review! Check out the strict facial hair rules

The UK armed forces have strict rules about which members can and can't grow facial hair. In fact, the only members of the UK military that are allowed to wear full beards are members of the British Royal Navy.

In order to begin growing a beard, a sailor is required to submit a "permission to stop shaving" request. The sailor is then given two weeks to prove that he can "grow a full set." After two weeks, the sailor presents his facial hair to the Master at Arms, who determines whether or not his beard is permissible.

If the sailor has a full beard, he can continue wearing it. If his beard does not look respectable enough, he has to shave it off.

The Royal Marines and the British Army allow members to grow a mustache, but not a beard.


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