If you're planning on visiting the Tiger's Nest Monastery in Bhutan, you better not be a smoker. Here's why

If you're planning on visiting the Tiger's Nest Monastery in Bhutan, you better not be a smoker. Here's why

In 2005, Bhutan became the first known country to ban the sale of all tobacco products to their citizens. The government did not ban foreigners or diplomats from bringing tobacco in the country, but would be charged with smuggling if they transferred their tobacco to a citizen of Bhutan.

Citizens of Bhutan who disregard the law, face a $210 fine and shop owners can lose their business license. If a citizen were to bring tobacco in from a foreign country for personal consumption, the person would face a 100% tax on the tobacco product. The reason for these stiff rules? The government wants pollution free nation as well as a healthy one.


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