Chips, a Shepherd mix, was one of the most decorated WWII veterans until the army took his medals. Learn more

Chips, a Shepherd mix, was one of the most decorated WWII veterans until the army took his medals. Learn more

Dogs are man's best friend, unless you're an Axis soldier back in WWII. Chips the dogwas a terror of the battlefield and a fearless companion the the Allied forces.

Chips was a German Shepherd-Collie-Siberian Husky mix (some of the most noble and loyal breeds) that was donated by his owner, Edward J. Wren, when the war broke out. He was trained as a sentry dog in 1942 and served in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany.

When an Italian machine-gun team in the invasion of Sicily pinned down Chips and his handler, Chips broke free and jumped fearlessly into the pillbox to attack the gunners, sustaining a scalp wound and powder burns in the process. All four men were forced to surrender. The same day, he helped take 10 Italians prisoner.

For his bravery, he received the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, and Purple Heart award, as well as an unofficial Theater Ribbon with an Arrowhead and eight Battlestars for each of his campaigns from his unit. They were later revoked because of an Army policy preventing official commendation of animals.

Chips was discharged in 1945 and returned to his owner. A Disney movie was made in his honor titled Chips, the War Dog in 1990.


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