Africa's biggest killer isn't the lion. Find out what the real danger is!

Africa's biggest killer isn't the lion. Find out what the real danger is!

Lions, tigers, and crocodiles make up the nightmares of those that dream of the African safari. Thoughts of little bugs and cute water mammals rarely enter our mind. Turns out our fears have been gravely misplaced.

Africa's two most dangerous animals are the hippopotamus and mosquito. Hippos cause more human fatalities than any other larger animal as they actively defend their territories that consist of river and lake banks. Females get extra aggressive if anything comes between them and their babies while they feeds on shore. Hippos can run over 20 miles per hour and have large jaws full of teeth that can reach up to 20 inches.

Mosquitoes are the most dangerous creature in Africa, killing over a million Africans every year. Their ability to spread deadly diseases without regard makes them dangerous to everyone without medical attention, especially to children under five. There are 3,500 species of mosquito with a life-span of about two weeks.

The third most dangerous creature in Africa shouldn't come as a surprise: it's humans. War, man-made famine, and environmental destruction cause plenty of tragedy.


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