Cobbsville is a town started by white supremacist and KKK member Craig Cobb. Did it ever get off the ground?

Cobbsville is a town started by white supremacist and KKK member Craig Cobb. Did it ever get off the ground?

Extremists exist in virtually every culture today, and the US certainly has it's fair share of people operating way off the reserve, so to speak.

Take the small town of Leith for instance. White supremacist, Craig Cobb, moved there in 2012 after discovering that a number of plots of land were for sale on Craigslist. He bought around 12 plots in Leith and had plans of turning the town into a white supremacist enclave. Numerous other supremacists joined him and he deeded a few plots to his friends.

Cobb had plans to create a new town called Cobbsville, however locals were less than enthusiastic about his plans, and in late 2013 he was arrested for terrorising townsfolk. He was later convicted and is currently serving prison time.

He recently agreed to deed the remaining six plots he still owns back to the town, effectively putting an end to his plans and ensuring Cobbsville stays a figment of his imagination.


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