After the attack on Pearl Harbor, three men survived inside a sunken battleship for over two weeks!

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, three men survived inside a sunken battleship for over two weeks!

The attack on Pearl Harbor was devastating, and it was one of the main reasons that the US entered WWII. A total of 1,282 people were injured, almost twice as many died in the attack, 188 aircrafts were destroyed, and all eight of the battleships in the harbor were sunk. All but one of the ships were later raised, while six of them returned to service and fought in the war.

One of those ships was called the USS West Virginia. During the repairs of the ship, the bodies of 66 sailors who were trapped when the ship went down were found. Three of the bodies were found in a store room compartment with a calendar that indicated they had survived for over two weeks after the ship sank! These men survived in a trapped air pocket while eating emergency rations and drinking fresh water from a battle station.

The USS West Virginia was rebuilt and returned to action two years after the attack. The ship sailed to the Philippines where it took part in the invasion of the Philippine Islands as well as other battles before the war was over.

The USS West Virginia was officially decommissioned on January 9th, 1947.


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