If you're having trouble sleeping, camping without electronics for one week can fix your sleep cycle! Find out how

If you're having trouble sleeping, camping without electronics for one week can fix your sleep cycle! Find out how

Through almost all of human history, we would fall asleep when the sun went down and wake up when the sun would rise in the morning. It wasn't until Thomas Edison invented the incandescent light bulb, allowing us to see our surroundings for extended periods of time without the sun, that our sleep cycles started to change.

In fact, scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder found that if you lived by the sun's sleep schedule, you'ld be able to wake up an hour earlier, and be less groggy because your internal clock and external reality are in sync!

The researchers took eight adults and followed them throughout the normal course of their lives for a week. The subjects spent most of their time indoors working, studying, eating, and sleeping. Majority of the light subjects experienced was artificial.

After a week of their normal lives, the test subjects were sent camping. Sleep, light, and the hormone melatonin were measured every hour across 24 hours.

Scientists found that while the subjects were enjoying the great outdoors, their melatonin levels shifted two hours earlier, and the subjects went to bed at least an hour earlier. Essentially, their bodies were recalibrating themselves back to their primitive sleep cycles!


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