A homeless man lives in the mountains of Yosemite, climbs sheer cliffs, and writes about quantum mechanics. Find out more!

A homeless man lives in the mountains of Yosemite, climbs sheer cliffs, and writes about quantum mechanics. Find out more!

Chongo may not sound like the name of an established, wealthy, Californian businessman, and you'd mostly be correct. However, this nature-loving man does deserve some recognition since his survivability tactics rival that of Bear Grylls.

Chongo, or the Monkey Man, is known as the king of Yosemite lifers, a group of rock climbers, tightrope walkers, and campers on the margins of the law. He illegally has lived in the Yosemite mountains for over a decade, surviving by scavenging food. He is over 60 years old by this point, but is known for having climbed sheer rock faces in the beautiful national park.

Not much truth is known of him, but there is plenty of lore, including him spending time in Mexico, college, jail, and experiencing life as a party fanatic, computer programmer, and gunshot victim. Oh, did we forget to mention scientist? He gathered all his thoughts and quantum mechanic theorems in a book he wrote titled “The Homeless Interpretation of Quantum mechanics.” The final paragraph isn't found between the book covers, but of the back of the book itself.


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