Broccoli, brussels sprouts, and red peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges. See what other foods make the list!

Broccoli, brussels sprouts, and red peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges. See what other foods make the list!

Oranges are the food most commonly associated with having a high level of vitamin C, an essential nutrient for any human diet.

In reality, however, oranges offer only 53 mg of vitamin C per 100g of fruit. Brussels sprouts, on the other hand, offer 80 mg per 100g. Red peppers offer 190 mg. With 244mg per 100g, chili peppers offer 400% more vitamin C than oranges! There are many different food products that offer much more vitamin C than a raw orange.

Despite these statistics, the actual amount of vitamin C in a given food depends on a variety of factors. Where the plant was grown, the climate in which it grew, storage conditions, method of preparation and the length of time since it was picked all factor in to the amount of vitamin C in a particular food.


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