Women have been known to get orgasms from doing crunches!

Women have been known to get orgasms from doing crunches!

An Indiana University study in 2012 proved the existence of the long-discussed "coregasm." The coregasm is when women achieve orgasm by doing abdominal work. Talk about motivation to get to the gym.

The study found that women could also achieve an exercise-induced orgasm by biking, spinning, lifting weights and climbing ropes or poles.

The study surveyed 370 women, all of whom had either experienced an exercise induced orgasm or exercise induced pleasure before the study began.

Researchers said that it wasn't difficult to find women who had experienced a coregasm, which means that the phenomenon is likely more common than expected.

The study proved that exercise can lead to orgasm without the aid of sexual fantasies, but it did not tell whether exercise actually improved sex. Researchers hoped their findings would help women understand more about their bodies.


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