A YouTuber had his house raided by 40 FBI Agents!

A YouTuber had his house raided by 40 FBI Agents!

YouTube celebrity Kyle Myers, better known as the loveable "'Russian" on the channel FPSRussia had his family property searched for illegal explosives and possibly weapons.

Fortunately for Myers, the FBI didn't find anything that was illegal despite the fact that Myers has an arsenal of firearms at his house.

The 4 million subscribers on FPSRussia's channel tune in to watch him use practically any weapon that he can get his hands on. Some of these weapons include a 50-calibur sniper rifle, a flying drone, rocket launchers, a tank, the list goes on and on!

The FBI raided FPSRussia's in part of an investigation with regards to the death of one of Kyle Myers co-workers, Keith Ratcliffe. Furthermore, because Myers is profiting from using explosives, the FBI felt that he needed a special permit in order to do so. The prosecution is still forming their case before they decide to press charges!


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