There’s A Secret Game On Facebook Messenger That Nobody Knows About

Our mobile phones are a fantastic way to pass the time. And thanks to messaging apps like Facebook Chat, we can literally just spend hours of our day just talking to our mates. Whether it’s on the bus, on the toilet or on a terrible night out, Facebook Chat has got your back.However, after a while, there’s only so much entertainment you can get from thumbs up and poop emojis.

But fear not, because a secret Facebook Messenger game has been discovered, meaning we can now waste more time than ever before.

So, what is this game? Mario Kart: Messenger? Sonic The Hedgehog: FB Chat Edition? Well, no. It’s chess.

Granted, even MSN had better games than chess, but I’m sure we’ll all be playing five games at a time tomorrow. 
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To start playing a game, you simply have to type ‘@fbchess play’, into the text box and hit send.

This will bring up a chess board, in which the game initiator will be rewarded with the first move, which are made by typing specific commands for each piece. First of all, players must know that a letter represents each piece;

P = Pawn, R = Rook, N = Knight, B = Bishop, K = King and Q = Queen.

Next, to make a move, players must once again type ‘@fbchess’, followed by the letter for the relevant piece, and then the coordinate of the square you want to move to. For example, if I wanted to move the pawn that is currently on f2, to f4, I’d type; ‘@fbchess Pf4’.

And the game even comes with tips for those less experienced chess players, all you have to do is enter ‘@fbchess help’.

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With the “grid” layout that chess has, I’m hoping we’ll see more games be hitting our chat boxes soon, like Connect 4, Battleships, or even Tic-Tac-Toe. Because let’s face it, how many of us are really going to be able to finish a whole game of chess like this?

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