Meet America’s Fearsome New Arsenal Of Smaller, Deadlier Nuclear Weapons

Barack Obama has long advocated getting rid of nuclear weapons. Seven years ago he delivered a speech in which he imagined a world where these types of firearms had been completely irradiated. But counter to his rhetoric, during his presidency America have been developing a new arsenal of deadly nuclear weapons that are designed to be utterly devastating.

Obama’s Speech In Prague


In the last six months it has been well publicised that North Korea have been busy designing and testing what it claims is a hydrogen bomb. But nobody seems to be talking about what the U.S military have been up to in Nevada. They have managed to develop the worlds first “precision-guided atom bomb.”

It is an adaptation of the B-61 which has been in America’s arsenal since the 60’s. According to the Times:

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A front view of four nuclear free-fall bombs on a bomb cart.

It’s hard to know whether the U.S and Obama should be praised for this latest development. These smaller, smarter bombs allow for greater accuracy and lower the chance of a nuclear holocaust, which was a real possibility at the height of the cold war. However this latest evolution means that the possibility of them being deployed is far greater. It’s also much easier for them to fall into the wrong hands. It’s possible for them to be transported and fired from small vehicles, meaning these new devises are incredibly mobile. The thought of them arriving in conflict zones in truly terrifying.


The U.S are determined to go down the route of smaller and more intelligent weapons. In the next 30 years they plan to spend almost a trillion dollars on their development. This has led to condemnation from both Russia and China who are not fans of this new approach. The Russians described the testing in Nevada as very “provocative.”

Whether or not you agree with the current U.S policy, there is no doubt that Obama is intent on creating the most sophisticated arsenal of weapons on the planet. The idea he sold of a nuclear free world during his assent to power was nothing more than a pipe dream designed to garner support.

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