He Smashed A McDonald's Burger Into Pieces And Created A Fast Food Masterpiece

McDonald’s is known for its fast, greasy cheeseburgers that are hardly the epitome of a healthy meal. Yet every once in a while, it’s fun to cave into guilty pleasures and consume these oily balls of deliciousness. But when eating a McDonald’s cheeseburger, have you ever thought, “How could I make this better?

Tym Bussanich has, and he created the most awesome (and awful for you) recipe to ever grace the Internet — McFries. Yes, Bussanich went the extra step of deep-frying a McDonald’s cheeseburger, creating batter-caked burger bits that will take your breath away.

First, he smashed two McDonald’s burgers and cut them into thin strips.

This looks more like an art project than a recipe, but just wait…

After an egg wash, Bussanich added breadcrumbs to the slices and deep-fried them, thus creating McFries.

Yes, these are deep-fried strips of McDonald’s cheeseburgers. Yes, they look delicious.

Watch McFries come to life below:

(source Tym Bussanich, Foodbeast)

If I had a deep fryer, I just might consider trying this. In the meantime, you should definitely check out Tym’s website and Instagram for even more fried fast food concoctions.

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