You Might Think That Cats And Birds Don't Get Along...Until You See These BFFs!

A coffee shop in Osaka, Japan, is home to what may be the cutest duo on the planet. While sipping your beverage at Hukulou Coffee, you could be greeted by any number of small owls, and even the occasional rabbit.

But the newest member of the bunch — a precious Scottish fold kitten — just became buddies with someone of the feathered variety.

Marimo the kitten is smitten with a little owl named Fuku.

Needless to say, the feeling is mutual.

They’re pretty much inseparable!

And they’re definitely adorable.

But when it’s nap time…

…these two kick their cuteness into overdrive.

This certainly isn’t something you see every day!

(via Rocket News)

For more updates on these unlikely BFFs, you can follow the coffee shop’s Twitter here, but unless you can read Japanese, you might have a hard time figuring out exactly what’s going on. The good thing is that these precious pictures can step across language barriers with ease!

If you still haven’t gotten your cuteness fix, check these out:

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