This Adorable Bunny Understands Short People Problems

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-13 short people problems bunny koron japan 131

My mom is 5’1 so I have seen first-hand many of the challenges that come with being on the shorter side, like not being able to reach top-shelf products at the grocery store, or wearing capris as skinny jeans and long shorts as capris pants. My mom even sits on a pillow when she drives because otherwise she can’t see over the steering wheel.

This bunny understands short people problems better than most. His name is Koron and he’s from Japan. His owner snapped a few pics of him trying to sneak a peak out the car window, while failing and falling right back down. Even after he gave Koron a pillow for some height the bunny couldn’t quite make it up tall enough to see out the window.

Regardless of Koron’s height limitations he still gets to experience plenty of awesome adventures, which you can follow along with on Twitter.

Here is Koron propped up on a pillow in the car.

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-13 short people problems bunny koron japan 13All he really wants to do is get a good look outside the car window…

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-12 short people problems bunny koron japan 12But he can only just. barely. see.

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-11 short people problems bunny koron japan 11It’s a common problem for Koron

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-5 short people problems bunny koron japan 5Even at the dinner table, where he uses all of his might to stay up tall enough

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-2 short people problems bunny koron japan 2And he can’t get up the steps quite as quick as his long-legged friends

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-4 short people problems bunny koron japan 4Just a little taller and he’d be able to see out of this window

short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-9 short people problems bunny koron japan 9short-people-problems-bunny-koron-japan-10 short people problems bunny koron japan 10Photo Credits: Twitter

Next Up: Wally The Bunny Is Famous For His Ears That Look Like Angel Wings

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