These 20 Animals Will Never Give Up On Fitting Into Hilariously Tight Spots

You know that feeling when you pull on your favorite pair of jeans? It’s like they were made specifically for you…but that’s because you’ve spent countless hours stretching them to conform exactly to your shape. Now compare the bliss of that perfect fit with these animals who are trying their darnedest to squeeze into places that they, quite frankly, are not going to fit into. Too bad they’ll never know the feeling…

1. They say the shelf life for canned corgis is much longer, right?

2. Normally I use this for flowers…but that’ll do, too.

3. Not quite the little tyke you once were, huh?

4. “Get it all in there, Fred.”

5. “Please don’t ship me to Canada…”

6. “Don’t tell Tim I’m here. This is hour five of hide-and-seek and I’m KILLING it.”

7. Clearly everyone wins in this game.

8. So that’s why my gutters keep overflowing.

9. “Please, call me Lawrence, not Larry.”

10. Chamomile with a side of some fur, please.

11. Straight-up chillin’.

12. “This tub is just my size!”

13. “Speed is my middle name.”

14. “Don’t even think about putting me in the attic.”

15. That’s weird, I thought I planted petunias.

16. How many cats does it take…to fill up a cardboard box?

17. You know, it’s not called a cat door for nothing.

18. “I had to eat all the popcorn so I could sits…”

19. “Don’t ever leave me.”

20. There goes that game of HORSE we had planned…

All these animals should learn from this guy…just spread out and enjoy your naps without any restrictions!

Find more adorable hilarity right here:

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