Have Some Cheap Wood On Hand? Here's Some Cheap Art You Can Make.

Having cheap wood around the house or stored in the basement can be quite a burden. It takes up a ton of space and you have to wait until bulk trash day to throw it out. But…what if there was a better way to use it before you had to throw it out?

The good news is there is. It’s simple and it can make your home look pretty awesome.

First, you’re going to need to collect some wood if you haven’t done so already.

You could buy cheap planks of wood or just collect scrap if you know of any place to do so.

Sand those puppies down and bind them together with some wood screws.

This is what the end result should look like if you are using 1″x6″x8′ boards. You can bind them together however you like though, it doesn’t have to be in this particular pattern.

Now that you’ve got them all together, the real fun begins.

Stain them by using vinegar and steel wool to give them an aged look.

Then, you can decorate them any way you’d like.

This family used stencils and paint to decorate the wood with their favorite lyrics.

This is a great way to decorate your home without spending a ton of money. Even if you don’t have extra wood laying around the house, you can easily buy planks of wood at a store for very little cost.

For more DIY fun, follow these links.

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