One of the most contentious hot-button issues of our time is the decriminalization and legalization of cannabis. Among the pros and cons on both sides, none are stranger than what DEA agent Matt Fairbanks fears if his state should decide to legalize medical marijuana.
Utah Senator Mark Madsen proposed a bill that would allow patients with debilitating symptoms to consume edible marijuana, and the floor was all ears when Fairbanks fired back. He made a statement warning us that some rabbits like to groove on the wacky tobacco a little too much.
Fairbanks fears that if medical marijuana is legalized, rabbits and other critters will, as he says, “cultivate a taste for it.”
“Ehh, what’s up, doc?” asks a bunny in drag trying to score some ganja at a medical dispensary.
The concern is that the rabbits will get addicted to the plant, lose their fear of humans, and pretty much be stoned all the time.
I can’t help but imagine these guys getting out their little lighters. “Look at my paws, man!”
“One of them refused to leave us, and we took all the marijuana around him, but his natural instincts to run were somehow gone,” reported Matt Fairbanks to Utah lawmakers about the rabbit stoner he recently encountered.
I see his point. If you give a rabbit some pot, he’s gonna stay and watch Top Gear on Netflix for like 3 hours.
It seems the Utah Senate heeded Fairbanks’ warning, defeating Madsen’s bill 14-15. I guess the fear was that if this thing went through Utah would experience a shortage of Trix cereal as those silly rabbits become even sillier.