What Would Happen To Earth If We Stopped Spinning? You Might Want To Learn To Swim If You're In The Northern Hemisphere...

What Would Happen To Earth If We Stopped Spinning? You Might Want To Learn To Swim If You're In The Northern Hemisphere...

This next mind-blowing fact may be the scariest you could hear, besides anything to do with spiders, of course. Ever wondered what would really happen if the Earth stood still?

Sea level is naturally equaled out by the rotation of the Earth. If the Earth and all forces decided to stop spinning, one day would turn into the length of a year, but the year stays the same length.

Crazy, right? But that’s not even the scariest part!

The oceans would doom us to a crazy climate change and create one mega continent while the oceans migrate towards the poles. This is caused by the lack of centrifugal forces.

If you’re in the northern hemisphere of the world, you may want to learn to swim! Your resident areas would then become completely submerged in water due to these lack of forces. Maybe those end-of-the-world movies aren’t so crazy after all!


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