Being Intelligent Doesn't Always Get The Babes - Many Science Guru's Died Virgins Including Isaac Newton

Being Intelligent Doesn't Always Get The Babes - Many Science Guru's Died Virgins Including Isaac Newton

Of the world's most famous scientists, a lot of them had a whole lot of brains, but not a whole lot of game.

Isaac Newton chose not to fraternize with the common man or mingle with any woman. He was a non-passionate person towards other human beings, and he never married.

Although Newton died a virgin, he thought of himself to be quite the sinner. Maybe it was to make up for the lack of actual promiscuity he partook in. By the time he was 19 years old, he had a list of 48 sins he thought he was guilty of.

These sins included “peevishness” and impure thoughts.

Isaac Newton was thought to be a pretty lonely guy, despite being extremely smart, he was also born to poor, uneducated parents. This means he wasn’t a great contender for anyone royal. He didn’t have many friends, either.

Another bashful scientist that died a virgin was Henry Cavendish, and let’s not forget mathematician Nikolas Tesla.


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