There were two California kids that would later become huge stars hung out and participated in some seedy deals.
Their names? Snoop Dogg and Cameron Diaz.
The two attended high school together at Long Beach Polytechnic High School where Snoop Dogg was a year older than Diaz.
She remembered him as being very tall, skinny, and burdened with lots of ponytails.
Their real connection was that she is fairly sure she bought weed from him back in her prime years.
"I was green even in high school!" she said.
These days Snoop Doggy Dogg isn't afraid to share his affinity with pot, especially since he holds a medical marijuana card.
The world may be a small place, but Southern California is as miniscule as it gets. It's ignorant to think every star knows each other, but you can't deny this connection is as good as it gets.