If the US replaces the $1 bill with the $1 coin the country could save $4.4 billion over 30 years!

If the US replaces the $1 bill with the $1 coin the country could save $4.4 billion over 30 years!

In 2012 the question was asked: should America kill the $1 bill?

Considering the fact that it would save Americans $4.4 billion over 30 years if it is replaced by $1 coins, one would expect everybody to be eager to ditch the paper money.

The coins last for decades, but the paper bills have to be replaced every four to five years and ironically, printing money costs the taxpayer money.

It was the seventh time that the Government Accountability Office has explained that laying the bill to rest will save a lot of money, so why has it not been done yet? Because not everybody is keen on the idea.

Rep. Lacy Clay was against it because "men don't like carrying coins in their pockets or their suits." Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan) said she believed the $1 coins are too hard to distinguish from quarters. Said Maloney: "If the people don't want it and they don't want to use it, why in the world are we even talking about changing it?"

Most Americans oppose the coin idea, according to polls, but there are those who are very clear that they want the coins.Strippers say they welcome the idea as it would get rid of the cheap tippers.

Dancer Lady Dula said: "You want my attention, it begins with a five."


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