Do you sit down at work? It may be killing you!

Do you sit down at work? It may be killing you!

Parents are always telling their energetic children to sit down and stay quiet.

Let's hope they don't continue obeying that rule as they get older since sitting still is one of the biggest causes of premature death in the world.

Couch potatoes be warned! Get off your butt and go have some fun.

A lack of physical activity isn't just one of the most common causes of death in the world—it's also the most preventable death.

The risk starts to greatly increase for those that sit more than five hours a day, which is way long than the average office work day.

If you don't just keel over and die from sitting around too much, you may come down with some chronic disease.

People who sit for more than four hours a day have a 40 percent higher risk of things like depression, diabetes, colon cancer, high blood pressure and a whole mess of other non-fun things.

The cure is exercise. People who work out four hours a week or more are as healthy as those that sit less than four hours a day. Get out and take a walk!


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