There's a country in Europe that has a democratically elected King

There's a country in Europe that has a democratically elected King

You may never have heard of Andorra, but it has an interesting quality that no other nation or governed land has—it's the only country in the world that has a democratically elected monarch.

Andorra, or more officially the Principality of Andorra, is a landlocked micro-state between France and Spain in the Pyrenees mountains. It was created under a charter in A.D. 988 but became the principality it is today in A.D. 1278. With an area of 181 square miles, it's the sixth smallest nation in Europe and has a population around 85,000, according to the 2012 census.

It's ruled by two Co-Princes: the Spanish/Roman Catholic Bishop of Urgell and the President of France. That makes current French President, Francois Hollande, a democratically elected official in France and a monarch in Andorra.

The authority of the two co-rulers was threatened in 1934 by adventurer Boris Skossyreff, who claimed he was "Boris I, King of Andorra." Skossyreff declared war on the Bishop of Urgell, who didn't relinquish his power, and Skossyreff was quickly expelled and never considered a legal ruler.


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