The Bog turtle, native to the United States, is the smallest species of turtle in North America.

The Bog turtle, native to the United States, is the smallest species of turtle in North America.

An adult Bog turtle weighs around 110 grams or 3.9 ounces, and grows to an average of 3.7 inches. This makes it the smallest species of turtle in North America. It's only native to one North American country, though: the Unites States.

There are two different populations of Bog turtles, the Northern and Southern populations. Among these populations, the turtles live in colonies that often consist of fewer than 20 individuals. The Northern population is the larger of the two. These individuals make their home in states as far north as Connecticut and Massachusetts, and as far south as Maryland. These turtles are known to have fewer than 200 habitable sites left, a number that is decreasing.

The Southern population is much smaller in number (only about 96 colonies have been located), and the turtles live in the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and Tennessee. The turtles in this population are even more scattered than in the Northern population and live at higher elevations, up to 4,505 feet.


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