Known as magic mushrooms, shrooms, mushies, psychedelic mushrooms, psychotropic mushrooms or psilocybin, these mushrooms cause differences in mood, perception and behavior that are commonly known as "tripping."
Mushrooms of other genera can also cause hallucinations, but many purists insist that Psilocybe mushrooms are the "true" magic mushrooms.
Psilocybe mushrooms cause hallucinations because they contain the psychotropic tryptamines psilocybin and psilocin.
Research shows psilocybin mushrooms sends OCD and OCD-related clinical depression into complete remission.
Further studies by the Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine conclude, when used properly, it acts as an antidepressant.
When used correctly this “magic mushrooms” can help people with psychiatric disorders, however, the FDA have not yet approved them for this kind of treatment.