You should NOT brush your teeth after every meal.

You should NOT brush your teeth after every meal.

It may seem like a good idea to brush your teeth after eating to clean out any stray food particles, and maybe to get a bad taste out of your mouth. However, according to Colgate your teeth are most vulnerable to damage after eating and drinking. The acidic foods and drinks we consume softens the enamel on our teeth. Brushing within 60 minutes after eating can wear down this enamel.

Though brushing after every meal isn’t a good idea, you should still brush 2-3 times every day. Brushing at night is the most important; when your mouth gets dry during sleep bacteria can more easily damage your teeth. Brushing in the morning is important to clean out the plaque that collected on your teeth overnight. Technically, it’s more effective to brush your teeth after breakfast than before (but again, it has to be at least an hour after you’re done eating). Brushing during the day is also a good idea, but brushing more than three times in one day can cause damage to the gums. I bet you didn’t think brushing teeth could be this complicated!

Click here for more about when and how to brush.

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