The famous credits scene in The Avengers wasn't even thought of until after the movie premiered!

The famous credits scene in The Avengers wasn't even thought of until after the movie premiered!

When a movie like “The Avengers” comes around, you know there has to be some fun and interesting trivia tacked on. It's impossible to gather such a large group of A-list actors, beloved characters finally meeting in one film after years of waiting, and a comedic writer and director to boot and not get some behind-the-scenes gold.

One of the more interesting tidbits has to do with the final scene after the credits role. The Avengers are sitting around a table, enjoying some victory schwarma after a long, tough fight. It seems like the perfect, down-to-Earth way to end such an epic battle—but it almost didn't happen. Originally, Tony Stark was to fall back to Earth, wake up, and ask “What's next?” Robert Downy Jr. Wanted something a little more interesting, and thus the schawarma restaurant scene was added a day after the global premiere, meaning it didn't even make the original release.

The bet payed off though, especially for local shawarma restaurant owners. Since the scene, shawarma sales have skyrockted in Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Boston, becoming a favorite to many that probably didn't even know what it was before their favorite super heroes ate it.


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