Contrary to popular belief, nobody in Australia has died of a venomous spider bite since 1981! Learn how they solved the problem

Contrary to popular belief, nobody in Australia has died of a venomous spider bite since 1981! Learn how they solved the problem

Although Australia has some of the most dangerous spiders in the world, no one in that country has died from a spider bite since 1981. This is because anti-venom was introduced throughout all of Australia during that year.

The two most venomous spiders in Australia are the red back and the funnel web spiders. The red back spider is family of the black widow and it's venom is a neurotoxin. They mainly live in places like letterboxes and the under surface of toilet seats and in other human-built structures. Anti-venom for this spider has been available since 1956.

The funnel web spider's fangs are so large that they cause localized bleeding. The venom constricts the airways of the victim and can also cause swelling of the brain. The venom spreads through the body within minutes. Because these spiders are so toxic, all bites by a black spider in Australia are treated as potential funnel web spider bites.

Although people do not die from spider bites in Australia anymore, deaths have been reported because of evasive action that has been taken by people to avoid spider bites. People have been reported to die in car accidents due to spiders falling from sun visors onto their laps and them then giving more attention to the spider than to the road.


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