As if things weren't tough enough on the street, many cities have passed laws and regulations about how the homeless could live. One of the most strict is in Orlando, Florida, where it is illegal to provide food for groups larger than 25 people.
The law was passed in 2006 that required large charitable food sharing in parks within two miles of City Hall to hold a permit, which were limited to two per group, per year. Activists fought the law in 2011, but lost. When activists refused to honor the law, they were promptly carted off to jail "for feeding hungry people."
A law in Santa Cruz, California defines sleeping in public as "camping." However, in order to be camping, the person must use a personal shelter such as a tent. It is outright illegal to sleep out in public otherwise—even if you're just napping during your lunch break!
Many cities ban panhandling, or asking for money, in popular tourist areas and public transportation areas. Other cities try to regulate it by guarding against "aggressive" panhandling around ATMs and banks.
In Oakland Park, Florida, it is not only illegal to ask for anything of value, it's also illegal to give anything. Keep your pennies!