Canada's has the largest coastline, but most of it is freezing cold!

Canada's has the largest coastline, but most of it is freezing cold!

Grab your surfboards, it's time to hit up the countries with the biggest coastlines! Of course, you may need to bring the best wetsuit to not die in the frigid waters of Canada.

That's right, of all the island nations in the world, the country with the largest coastline is the United States's neighbor up north, by a long shot. Canada's coastline totals 202,080 km, with Indonesia as a far off second, 54,716 km.

In comparison, Indonesia's land area pales to Canada's, 9,984,670 km squared to 1,811,569 km squared. Much of Canada is frozen tundra, not fit for humans to live in.

There are plenty of landlocked countries with absolutely no coastline, requiring the cooperation of neighboring countries to have access to the ocean. However, the country with the smallest accessible coastline is the tiny nation of Monaco at just 4.1 km, and a land size of just 2 km squared.

That would make for some seriously expensive private beaches, or crowded public ones.


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