Smithers in The Simpson was originally black! Why did they change him?

So, what happened? The producers had always intended for him to be white, but a blunder occurred at the animation stage and the color scheme was completely messed up.
The animators were originally going to go along with this, until someone pointed out that having a black subservient character might cause controversy.
They changed the color scheme back in his second appearance to avoid unintentional racism.
For those of you who don't konw, Waylon Smithers is Mr Burns' assistant and care-provider in the TV show the Simpsons.
He has an unhealthy obsession with 'Malibu Stacy' dolls and is often used to represent the stereotype of a closet gay man. Some more interesting facts about The Simpsons:
- Many characters' middle initial is J.
- Kang and Kodos, the two alien characters, are named after Star Trek characters.
- The Simpsons holds the world records for the longest running prime time TV show and most guest stars on a TV show.
- The series has parodied Citizen Kane so often that it has often been claimed you could re-enact the entire movie using clips from the show.
- Many characters are named after streets in Portland, Oregon.