Checkers is more like Tic-Tac-Toe than Chess. In fact, you're probably playing Checkers all wrong.

Checkers is more like Tic-Tac-Toe than Chess. In fact, you're probably playing Checkers all wrong.

Checkers, despite being played on the same board as Chess, is infinitely less complex than the latter game.

In fact, it's so relatively simple, that it should always end in a draw. You've probably played Tic-Tac-Toe hundreds of times with a friend and after a few games, neither one wins because they don't make any mistakes.

The case is the same with Checkers. In 2007, the University of Alberta announced that their program, Chinook, had solved the game.

This meant that, if both sides played perfectly, the game would always result in a draw.

Now, this is much more difficult than it sounds, because the game has 10 to the 20th power number of legal positions.

This is much larger than Tic-Tac-Toe, which is why it's much easier to tie at that game. However, it doesn't compare to Chess, which has an estimated 10 to the 50th power legal positions.


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