These items in Mario Galaxy and Zelda Skyward Sword have a surprising real-life counterpart!

These items in Mario Galaxy and Zelda Skyward Sword have a surprising real-life counterpart!

Some clever readers noticed that the "Gratitude Crystals" you get for completing sidequests and helping people out in the new Zelda game, "Skyward Sword" resembled "Star Bits" from Super Mario Galaxy.

In fact, the reason for this is that they're both based on a really popular kind of Japanese candy called Konpeito.

The Japanese have had Konpeito since the 16th century. The name comes from the Portuguese word for candy.

In fact, it was the Portuguese that brought this candy over to Japan where it's still made today.

Konpeito also made an appearance in Spirited Away, where the tiny soot balls that Chihiro encounters ate the candies! (Check out a pic here)


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