Hollywood completely screwed over the writer of the Forrest Gump book. This is how they did it.

Hollywood completely screwed over the writer of the Forrest Gump book. This is how they did it.

The deal Groom made with Paramount was that he would attain $350,000 for the rights to his book as well as 3% of the film's total box office gross.

Seems fair, right? Unfortunately, the producers and movie studio did not end up paying Groom anything!

The reason for this was with a technique called "Hollywood accounting" which conned Groom out of his money by saying that the film lost money!

It was said that both Tom Hanks and director Robert Zemeckis earned $40 million from percentages in box office receipts!

Because of this incident, Groom refused to allow Hollywood to turn Forrest Gump's sequel, Gump and Co., Into a movie.


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