There are giant hornets in Japan whose venom can melt human flesh!

There are giant hornets in Japan whose venom can melt human flesh!

Remember those tracker jackers in the Hunger Games series? They're genetically modified bees whose venom causes hallucinations and even death.

Well the Japanese giant hornet could give those fictional tracker jackers a run for their money.

These hornets, which live in the Japanese mountains, are two inches long with a three inch wingspan. They sound more like tiny bird than insects. Their stinger is a quarter of an inch long, and it's venom is so powerful that it can actually dissolve human tissue. Ouch.

One man who was stung by the giant hornets described it feeling "like a hot nail through my leg." And about 40 people die each year from these stings.

If they are not treated soon after being stung or they are allergic to the hornets, they can perish from the venom.


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