TV stations might be getting around Congress' requirement that ads have the same volume as TV shows!

TV stations might be getting around Congress' requirement that ads have the same volume as TV shows!

Have you ever been watching a television show when suddenly it goes to commercial and blasts your eardrums? How is it that commercials are so much louder? Do advertisers think that if they make their message louder, we're more likely to buy their product? More likely, we'll just feel combative toward them and the damage they're doing to our eardrums.

In December 2012, the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act was passed. The act required that TV stations, cable operators, satellite TV operators, and other pay TV providers to match the average volume of commercials to match that of the programs that they are accompanying.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) enforces this act. However, the law provides for a commercial having "louder" and "quieter" moments, which doesn't make for very strict monitoring. Broadcasters who fail to comply with these regulations though face significant financial penalties.


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