Muhammad Ali became a boxer because someone stole his bicycle when he was 12 years old!

Muhammad Ali became a boxer because someone stole his bicycle when he was 12 years old!

Muhammad Ali, the man who could float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. It was almost as if Muhammad Ali was destined to be a boxer, because an unusual turn of events led a little boy to become the greatest fighter in the world.

Muhammad's boxing career started when him and his friend went to Columbia Auditorium for free food that was being handed out as part of a festival. Muhammad and his friend left their bicycles sitting as they went to eat food, and when they returned, Muhammad's bicycle was stolen.

The frustrated 12 year old boy that would soon rock the boxing world decided to report the incident to police officer Joe Martin, who also happened to be a boxing coach a local gym. Muhammad said that he wanted to beat up the person who stole his bicycle, and Joe Martin said that in order to do that, Ali would have to learn how to fight first. A few days later Muhammad went to the gym and began his training - and the rest is history!


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