Calligraffiti: An Explosive New Art Form

By mixing beautiful and traditional calligraphy with the rawness and grittiness of graffiti, Niels Meulman gives a whole new way of appreciating both art forms. Meulman, also known as Shoe, is an artist, designer and art director who was born in Amsterdam and who's worked at international ad agencies like BBDO and television networks like MTV (where he was their creative director for a short period of time).

We were able to get in touch with Shoe to ask him about Calligraffiti. Read that interview below, after seeing some of his incredibly intriguing work.


Selection of Work:

 Crime Time Kings. Spray paint on a wall at the Tivoli Jam in Dublin. Vulture by Adele Renault.

 Don't Panic

 Keep Your Eye on the Tiger

 Little Bang

 Thou Shalt Not Write Emails Whilst Intoxicated

 So Many People, So Little Purpose


 Shoe Gate: Spray painted mural in Altamura, Italy. Rats by Adele Renault.

 Practice every day has made, Pangur perfect in his trade; I get wisdom day and night, Turning darkness into light. - Pangur Ban

 Everybody Else is Wrong

The World is Yours

via calligraffiti
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