Submarine Aircraft Carriers

 Underwater 01 Submarine aircraft carriers

When the strategic initiative and intercepted a U.S. fire-wheel war creeping ever closer to Japan, and she no longer had the full freedom of action in the Pacific, Admiral Yamamoto has developed a bold plan to attack New York, Washington and other cities, as well as a plan to destroy the Panama Canal. In the early days of 1945, began to prepare for an attack in order to cut supply lines and access to the Pacific Fleet. Plan assumed almost round the world trip for a blow to the direction from which the Americans it would not be expected.

For these purposes, in the strictest secrecy planned to use a weapon “long arm”. Series Sen Toku – unique Japanese submarines, aircraft carriers, which had no analogues in the fleets of other countries. The submarines of this series considered the largest submarines doatomnoy era.

In 1942 Japan began construction of such devices, and in 1944, two submarines, an aircraft carrier I-400 and I-401 were launched. They bore the brunt of three specialized fighter “Seyran» M6A. Light aircraft took off on the surface the boat with the help of catapult launch was carried out in 30 minutes. Aircraft were on their own to return to a ground base after an operation. 

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However, there was a modification of the “Seiran” and without landing gear – for the kamikazes. Their start-up is easier, 14 minutes for everything. But nearing the end of the war. Construction of the remaining pledged boats (numbers 402, 403 and 404) to a halt because of the high cost of the project. “Seiran” also produced only 20 pieces.Fighters have been sealed cabin, in case need to run right out from under the water. In addition, were made two light submarine I-13 and I-14 for the objection of one fighter.

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The route was supposed to lie to the west of Japan, through the Indian Ocean, around the southern tip of Africa, across the Atlantic to the three chamber lock “Gatun” which was to be attacked. For the pilots it was a guaranteed one-way ticket.

But everything turned out differently.

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