These Beautiful Fall Photos Will Surely Inspire You To Take Your Pup Camping

If there’s one thing synonymous with fall, it’s camping. Think about it: the perfect weather during the day to enjoy all the beautiful foliage; then at night, it cools down enough to make you want to sit in front of a campfire or snuggle up inside a sleeping bag. There’s no better time of year to acquaint yourself with nature, and there’s no better companion with whom to do this than your pooch! Your dog wants to spend time with you, and needs that quality time with nature, too.

Camping With Dogs (basically the best Instagram ever) will give you all the fall feels to motivate you to commit to a weekend in the woods with your pup!

You’ll never catch this view from the city.

There’s no end to autumn lakeside fun when this many pups are involved.

Safety first!

Just because you’re on the West Coast doesn’t mean you have to forego fall camping.

Some dogs just like to be closer to nature…no hammock required.

This pup, on the other hand…

“Time to wake up and enjoy all this nature!”

“MOM. There’s a stream up ahead! I can smell it.”

Can’t forget those cute fall vests.

Cozy, fellas?

It doesn’t really get better than this, does it?

Nope, it definitely doesn’t.

“You’re not hoping we’ll help…are you?”

Summit high five!

This is the most serene photo I’ve seen in a while.

This makes me want my flannel…and to go buy hundreds of dollars worth of camping equipment.

You know what? I don’t even care about the morning breath.

A quick break to take in that fresh air.

The best part of fall, obviously.

(source Camping With Dogs)

To be honest, I can’t wait to shake this summer and welcome the turn of the season…all that crisp air and shedding foliage. Who has a dog I can borrow for a weekend?

Camping With Dogs also has an online store with some pretty cool gear. So go ahead: pack up and get outta Dodge!

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