This Little Piggy Sure Is Cute, But For Her Human, She's So Much More

Even while they wallow in mud, it’s hard to deny that pigs are pretty darn cute. They’re also known to be highly intelligent and very clean; the mud is to protect their skin from the sun and to keep cool, so it’s very practical! They also make great pets in the right environments, and for some people, they make so much more than a great pet and companion — they can actually save lives.

One of these lifesaving piggies is Hamlet, friend and companion to Melanie Gomez.

Meet Hamlet.

Melanie Gomez, her human, loves her very much.

She likes healthy snacks…

…going for swims…

…making friends…

…and taking naps.

But Hamlet also serves a much greater purpose for Gomez.

When she was in college, Gomez was diagnosed with epilepsy, which causes seizures. Her condition continued to worsen as she got older, and she went from having one or two seizures a year to having eight to 10 seizures a day.

“Daily activities became like climbing Everest to me,” she recounts.

Gomez’s husband wanted her to have a companion animal to keep her safe, but he was extremely allergic to dogs and cats. The solution? A pig, of course!

And that’s how Hamlet came into Gomez’s life.

Not only did Hamlet’s cuteness bring a smile to Gomez’s face, but she also helped her learn to appreciate life once again.

And Hamlet’s enjoying her time with her humans, too.

“Hamlet came to me in a seemingly hopeless situation,” Gomez says.

“She never left my side on my worst days and was always ready to play. She’s the reason I took up photography. I wanted to capture all of our silly adventures and share her amazing personality.”

These two have a really special bond.

(via Bored Panda)

“Hamlet saved me,” Gomez says. “My epilepsy taught me how frail life can be. Hamlet taught me that life is a beautiful gift despite its frailty. I hope Hamlet’s photos bring you as much joy, laughter, and love as she’s brought me.”

You can see more of Hamlet’s adventures on Instagram.

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