Futuristic Steel Lodge Provides Refuge for French Alps Climbers

Refuge du Goûter 2 Refuge du Go ter 2

Photo Credit: Refuge du Goûter

This futuristic steel lodge that almost looks as if a UFO landed atop the French Alps, is known as Refuge du Goûter. It’s the final stop for climbers who are ascending nearby Mount Blanc. Its exterior has stainless steel sides which create a rigid form in sharp contrast to the snowy landscape and jagged mountains.

According to My Modern Met, it was Swiss architect Hervé Dessimoz who designed the more than 52-feet-tall lodge that juts over a precarious nearly 5,000 foot drop. Despite the apparent danger, safety measures were taken to ensure that it can brave the elements. The lodge is tucked about 46 feet into the rock, ensuring sturdiness. It also has the ability to withstand winds of 186 mph, and it’ totally self-sufficient for energy and water. The interior includes communal living with bunk-style beds and the ability to accommodate up to 120 guests at a time.

Perhaps a good place to be during a world disaster, or zombie attack. But if you just want to check it out and enjoy the view, you’ll need reservations to enter, though it can easily be done online. Right now, the last day available for 2015 is in the middle of October.

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