Smart Baby Girl Tricks Dad With Fake Crying Every Time He Tries To Cut Her Nails

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This smart baby girl from Sao Paulo, Brazil is going to give her daddy a run for his money! Marcelinha is only an infant and already she has figured out how to trick her dad with fake crying so that she gets her way. Not only is she smart but she is downright adorable too.

Every time her dad tries to cut her nails Marcelinha bursts into tears, frightening her father into thinking perhaps he’s made a mistake and hurt her tiny little fingers. As soon as he realizes his daughter has him figured out and is only tricking him, he bursts into laughter. Once dad starts laughing little Marcelinha can’t help but laugh too. Yet, when he goes to cut her nails again she knows what to do… yelp and cry!

The video was posted a little over a week ago and has since earned a lot of attention with over 6 million views on Youtube. We can’t wait to see the clever antics this little girl will pull in the future considering she’s still in diapers and already too smart for her own good.

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Watch the adorable video here:

Photo Credits: Facebook, Youtube

Next Up: This Baby Loves Books So Much He Cries At The End Of Every Story

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