Even If You're Not Drunk, This Wacky Bar In Berlin Will Make You Think You Are

Chances are that you don’t usually have the spins walking into a bar (if you do, you might want to rethink your life choices), but you’ll definitely feel them in this German bar — even if you’re sober.

That’s because Madame Claude, a truly unique hangout spot in Berlin, is decorated in a way that intentionally disorients you. Yelp reviewers describe it as a “quirky labyrinth.” Why? Because all of the furniture, plush chairs, and cute tables are set up in a totally ridiculous (and completely awesome) way.

Try to figure out what’s going on here.

Hint: it’s the orientation of the photo.

All of the furniture is affixed to the ceiling, making it seem like the whole building is upside down.

It seems like a pretty simple idea, but it makes the nighttime spot unique and memorable.

And there’s no end to the hilarious photo opportunities.

Besides being a bar, Madame Claude is also a local entertainment hub.

Each time you look at an image, you have to think about where exactly you are in the space.

Not many other bars can boast that kind of disorientation — especially when people aren’t even drunk yet.

(via Lost At E Minor)

The bar does have some less bizarre elements, including the stage, the table-tennis setup, and the bar itself. Even in a place like this, you need a little practicality! Learn more about this quirky locale on their website, and check out what customers have to say on Yelp.

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