Even criminals have to pay taxes on the things they stole! You won't believe what else is taxable

Even criminals have to pay taxes on the things they stole! You won't believe what else is taxable

Tax day has just passed, which means you're either getting ready for that hearty refund check to come in the mail, or the IRS is poking and prodding you for their fair share. However, there are some things that the seedier tax payers may need to know about to correctly file, such as claiming drug money, stolen items, and bribes as a form of income.

The overarching rule to follow when it comes to taxes: If it counts as income, it's taxable. Just ask infamous gangster, Al Capone, who failed to claim any income from his seedy businesses during the prohibition. Even though he contested "the government can't collect legal taxes from illegal money" he wound up in jail for eight years.

Tax laws can be convoluted, confusing, and downright boring to read. The worst part is they can change drastically from year to year. Here's a run down of some little known taxable income: bribes, employment agency fees if they're reimbursed by your company, unclaimed or stolen items you find, free tours, gambling winnings, gifts that later produce income for you (via interest, dividends or rent), illegal activities, jury duty, kickbacks, prizes, and awards. The government wants their piece too, you know!


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