Although quicksand isn't nearly as dangerous as it is depicted to be in the movies, it is a real phenomenon. Any sand can temporarily become quicksand if it is saturated with enough water flowing from below ground (such as from an underground spring) with enough pressure to separate and suspend the grains. The main danger is being trapped and exposed to the elements.
The good news is that it is denser than water, which means you should be able to float and find a way out. The most important thing when caught in quicksand is to stay calm. Immediately drop anything you are carrying to reduce weight. Because your body is less dense than quicksand, you can't fully sink unless you panic and struggle too much or you're weighed down by something heavy.
Whatever you do, do it slowly. Lean back if your feet are stuck fast. Creating a larger ‘footprint’ should free your feet by removing the pressure they create. Once your feet are free you can (using slow movements) swim out of quicksand. You will get dirty and it could take hours, but it will be worth it.
Quicksand does not act as in the B-movies of the 1940's or 1950's in which people get "sucked" under the surface. It is thicker than water and therefore one can float higher in quicksand than one would in water.