Despite being a predominantly Muslim country, Syria banned face-covering veils from universities. What were the reasons?

Despite being a predominantly Muslim country, Syria banned face-covering veils from universities. What were the reasons?

In 2010, in a highly unexpected and unusual move, the Syrian regime announced a nationwide, immediate ban on women wearing niqab (Islamic face-covering veils) at universities. The ruling outlaws the wearing of the garment which covers the face but allows a narrow slit for the eyes.

It has not been widely worn previously, but its rise in popularity was worrying the Syrian government. Although Syria is an Arab and predominantly Muslim country, it is a secular regime. The traditional, but far less severe Islamic head scarf, would still be allowed.

The law was announced by the country’s education minister and he declared that it will be affecting all private and public universities. "We have given directives to all universities to ban niqab-wearing women from registering," a statement read. Another official from the Education Ministry told Al Arabiya TV that the face-covering veil was "against academic principles" and it's wearing represented an "ideological invasion."

In June 2010 more than 1,000 primary school teachers who wore the niqab were removed from their teaching posts and given administrative jobs. Despite Syria's close relationship with Iran and Hezbollah, it had always clung to a secular ideal and the country was keen to hold on to that identity.


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