25 Memorable Last Words From Condemned Criminals

Society has an obsession with bad men. Even our superheros have started turning into brooding and dark fellows that have mysterious pasts and questionable bad streaks. But that is reality. In some ways we can all relate to the “bad thing”. Who hasn’t been put on time-out at some point in their lives. Thankfully, most of us don’t go too far past the occasional scolding or possible fight with our siblings, but that is not always the case. We all know that people can go over the edge. Typically, this involves murder, at least when we are talking about the worst possible offenses. And perhaps not surprisingly, our list today will be dominated almost exclusively by people that were condemned to death by the court for having killed others. And that is where our list comes in. As a society we are obsessed with the grim and the macabre. Did you know that many people idolize mass murders and send them fan mail the same way teenage girls idolize Justin Bieber? It’s a terrifying phenomenon but it’s real. Our society is backwards in this way. We detest the things they have done, but their lives interest us immensely. Why did they turn out the way they did? We may never know, but maybe what they say can give us a little hint. These are 25 Memorable Last Words From Condemned Criminals.

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“What about them Cowboys?” – William Prince Davis, executed by lethal injection in 1999 for murder

“What about them Cowboys?” - William Prince Davis, executed by lethal injection in 1999 for murder 1449540514 2515

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“I’d like to say sorry to the victim’s family. I know that’s not enough… Where am I? To my lawyers, thank you. Red Robin, yum. I’m done. I love you.” – Daniel Wayne Cook, executed by lethal injection in 2012 for rape and murder

“I’d like to say sorry to the victim’s family. I know that’s not enough… Where am I? To my lawyers, thank you. Red Robin, yum. I’m done. I love you.” - Daniel Wayne Cook, executed by lethal injection in 2012 for rape and murder 1449540514 2415

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“When I was a kid raising hell everyone told me I’d end up on the gallows, so I thought I’d fool them. Also, there’s an old saying I like: Live by the sword and die by the sword.” – John Deering, executed by electric chair in 1938 for murder

“When I was a kid raising hell everyone told me I’d end up on the gallows, so I thought I’d fool them. Also, there’s an old saying I like: Live by the sword and die by the sword.” - John Deering, executed by electric chair in 1938 for murder 2316

Source: wikipedia, Image; wikipedia


“Say good-bye to my brother and daughter.” – Omer R. Woods, executed by firing squad in 1924 for murder

“Say good-bye to my brother and daughter.” - Omer R. Woods, executed by firing squad in 1924 for murder 1449540514 2216

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


“I’m ready to go. No one will miss me. My life has been worthless.” – Ray Gardner, executed by firing squad in 1951 for murder

“I’m ready to go. No one will miss me. My life has been worthless.” - Ray Gardner, executed by firing squad in 1951 for murder 1449540514 2117

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


“Well folks, you’ll soon see a baked apple.” – George Appel, executed by electric chair for murder

“Well folks, you’ll soon see a baked apple.” - George Appel, executed by electric chair for murder 2016

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


“There is no man that is free from all evil, nor any man that is so evil to be worth nothing.” – David Castillo, executed by lethal injection in 1998 for murder

“There is no man that is free from all evil, nor any man that is so evil to be worth nothing.” - David Castillo, executed by lethal injection in 1998 for murder 1917

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“A life for a life, let it be done and justice will be served.” – Herman Ashworth, executed by lethal injection in 2005 for murder

“A life for a life, let it be done and justice will be served.” - Herman Ashworth, executed by lethal injection in 2005 for murder 1449540515 1815

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“I don’t care what you do to me. I am not afraid to die. I have nothing on my conscience. I never killed any one.” – Anna Antonio, executed by electric chair in 1934 for murder

“I don’t care what you do to me. I am not afraid to die. I have nothing on my conscience. I never killed any one.” - Anna Antonio, executed by electric chair in 1934 for murder 1449540515 1715

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“Let’s do it!” – Gary Gilmore, executed by firing squad in 1977 for murder

“Let’s do it!” - Gary Gilmore, executed by firing squad in 1977 for murder 1618

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the grim reaper.” – Robert Alton Harris, executed by gas chamber in 1992 for murder

“You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the grim reaper.” - Robert Alton Harris, executed by gas chamber in 1992 for murder 1515

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“There’s a chemical taste in my mouth. I’m going. I’m going. I’m going.” – Kenneth Hogan, executed by lethal injection in 2014 for murder

“There’s a chemical taste in my mouth. I’m going. I’m going. I’m going.” - Kenneth Hogan, executed by lethal injection in 2014 for muder 1449540515 1415

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“Well, I hope Percy ain’t going to wet the sponge. Put me on the highway to Jackson and call my Irish buddies. Pog mo thoin. God bless.” – Robert Gleason Jr, executed by electric chair in 2013 for murder

“Well, I hope Percy ain’t going to wet the sponge. Put me on the highway to Jackson and call my Irish buddies. Pog mo thoin. God bless.” - Robert Gleason Jr, executed by electric chair in 2013 for murder 1449540515 1315

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“I love my family. Potato, potato, potato.” – Robert Charles Towery, executed by lethal injection in 2012 for murder

“I love my family. Potato, potato, potato.” - Robert Charles Towery, executed by lethal injection in 2012 for murder 1217

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“I would like to remind my children once again I love them. Everything is OK. I love you all, and I love my children. I am at peace. It does kind of burn. Goodbye, goodbye.” – Jose Villegas, executed by lethal injection in 2014 for murder

“I would like to remind my children once again I love them. Everything is OK. I love you all, and I love my children. I am at peace. It does kind of burn. Goodbye, goodbye.” - Jose Villegas, executed by lethal injection in 2014 for murder 1449540515 1119

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“Jesus, remember the sinners.” – John Marek, executed by lethal injection in 2009 for murder

“Jesus, remember the sinners.” - John Marek, executed by lethal injection in 2009 for murder 1449540515 1015

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“How’s this for your headline? ‘French Fries’”.- James French, executed by electric chair in 1966 for murder

“How’s this for your headline? ‘French Fries

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


“I’m really deep down in my heart sorry it happened. I wish this would bring her back. I want you to know that I’m very sorry this ever happened. I knew it was wrong but it was alcohol, despair and temper that caused it. That’s it.” – Gerald James Holland, executed by lethal injection in 2010 for murder

“I’m really deep down in my heart sorry it happened. I wish this would bring her back. I want you to know that I’m very sorry this ever happened. I knew it was wrong but it was alcohol, despair and temper that caused it. That’s it.” - Gerald James Holland, executed by lethal injection in 2010 for murder 1449540516 815

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“I think that governor’s phone is broke. He hadn’t called yet.” – Jeffrey Matthews, executed by lethal injection in 2011 for murder

“I think that governor’s phone is broke. He hadn’t called yet.” - Jeffrey Matthews, executed by lethal injection in 2011 for murder 1449540516 715

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“I have no words.” – Marvallous Keene, executed by lethal injection in 2009 for murder

“I have no words.” - Marvallous Keene, executed by lethal injection in 2009 for murder 1449540516 615

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“It’s getting light. What’s holding those fellows up?” – Robert Walter Avery, executed by firing squad in 1943 for murder

“It’s getting light. What’s holding those fellows up?” - Robert Walter Avery, executed by firing squad in 1943 for murder 1449540516 515

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


“Don’t worry about me. I’m okay. They’re not shooting me for deserting the United States Army – thousands of guys have done that. They’re shooting me for bread I stole when I was 12 years old.” – Eddie Slovik, executed by firing squad in 1945 for desertion

“Don’t worry about me. I’m okay. They’re not shooting me for deserting the United States Army – thousands of guys have done that. They’re shooting me for bread I stole when I was 12 years old.” - Eddie Slovik, executed by firing squad in 1945 for desertion 416

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


“I regret nothing.” – Thomas Arnold Kemp Jr., executed by lethal injection in 2012 for murder

“I regret nothing.” - Thomas Arnold Kemp Jr., executed by lethal injection in 2012 for murder 314

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“I’d just like to say I’m sailing with the Rock and I’ll be back like ‘Independence Day’ with Jesus. June 6, like the movie, big mother ship and all. I’ll be back.” – Aileen Wournos, executed by lethal injection in 2002 for murder

“I’d just like to say I’m sailing with the Rock and I’ll be back like ‘Independence Day’ with Jesus. June 6, like the movie, big mother ship and all. I’ll be back.” - Aileen Wournos, executed by lethal injection in 2002 for murder 263

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia


“Hurrah for anarchy! This is the happiest moment of my life!” – George Engel, executed by hanging in 1887 for murder

“Hurrah for anarchy! This is the happiest moment of my life!” - George Engel, executed by hanging in 1887 for murder 190

Source: wikipedia, Image: murderpedia

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